English Version

To my fellow teachers of Piano

These "Four prints for a "pioneer", were released on 5 March 1962, in conjunction with the album "Music for Children" of the composer of the GDR Günter Kochan, as an illustration of a chat that we offered in the National Library "Jose Marti" on the theme "revolutionary consciousness through the study of piano".
It was precisely the content of that work of Kochan which encouraged us to conceptualizing and componerlas.
The "Four prints", are pieces elémentales suitable for students in third and fourth grades of piano. Not only aim to awaken in them the concern and the revolutionary consciousness, but also to face to technical problems and to develop their skills in interpretation.

The first "Estampa", "invocation to Schumann", is based on the pace of our former "valse tropical" and conceived as a romantic allusion of our musical past. Written in general to two voices, presents the learner with small problems of rhythm and phrasing, as well as the opportunity to acquire independence of implementation in both hands by its treatment contrapuntístico. Duty be monitored the exact sound balancing, precision rhythmic, the different touches and a perfect phrasing.

The second: "Playing the brigades", inspired by the first reason of the popular revolutionary song: "We are the brigades Conrado Benítez", presents this reason in a series of brief chained variants that resolve to an "coda" also brief and free implementation. This small book offers to the beginner the practice of different combined touches, an opportunity to apply his technique of flexibility and educate your ear in the sounds of fourth and fifth combined and of various dissonances that do not destroy, however} the popular essence of the work and its revolutionary spirit Cuban. This work shall be interpreted alegre and jocosamente, as suggested - the legend that provides guidance to its composition aesthetics.

The third: "dialog with the sea", is totally diatonic, based on an old way, consists of two ideas: a, contrapuntística, which is first presented monódicamente, then two voices, later melted with the second idea and, finally, is exposed as coda end with a character of reminiscence and unfinished. Another idea is a small - coral emerged from the first and interrupted by a transition issue that little by JDCO is transformed into a passage to two voices, in cuban rhythms and inspired by the first idea which inspired this small work to recall the tragic death of Commander Camilo Cienfuegos, professor took care of infiltrarle the student all the excitement that its interpretation requires and to a certain extent, dramatizarla, making them understand the meaning of the two ideas. The first, the child or children inquiring the sea of "because" and meaning of the death of the hero of the Revolution and the second as encouraging response of the sea that might well be adjusted to that thought of Mella: "until after the dead are helpful". The Legato, metric and rhythmic combinations, digital independence, the execution of chords and a good use of both pedals, are some of the pedagogical purposes of this work.

The last "Estampa":"With my red beret placed"', is a small gear in which there is a brief allusion to the hymn of the 26 July; requires a good command of the pulsation and a great interpretive meaning to capture her spirit fun not exempt from certain arrogance patriotic.

Cesar P. Sentenat

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